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About Me:

“Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.”


Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio!

My name is Colton Hendricksen. I am currently a high school student going into my second year. At the moment, I am currently participating in Cross Country and soon Fall League Hockey. I am an energetic person with an enthusiastic personality and tend to have the curiosity of a cat which allows me to learn something new every day. For the past few years, I have been learning about and now currently working with Cyber Security and IT Consulting. I have worked on multiple servers at various offices. My current goal in life is to get into aviation, whether it is rotary or fixed wing aviation.




Sports have been a main part of my life ever since I was in my early ages. I first started out with soccer in a YMCA League. My father was my coach, and he held a great team of players and coached us very well. We dominated the score board and won most of our games. I was taken out of soccer after a few years and my mom and stepdad wanted me to try baseball. Wasn’t my kind of sport, so I ended up moving on from it. Hockey was introduced to me when I was about eight years old. I loved the sport and tried it out. The first year didn’t go so well, but my second year made me want to stick with the sport. I have been playing it ever since and now moving onto my eighth year of it. I recently was also introduced to running sports such as Cross Country and Track. I did both my first year of high school and managed to letter in both alongside Hockey.




My hobbies seem to differ from year to year but some of my current ones that have stuck with me for a few years happen to be Cyber Security, IT Consulting, 3d Art, and computer related modifications. IT Consulting was something I picked up working for my father’s company, TruNorth Data Solutions. I helped him with offices, servers, workstations, and cable organization. It led to me getting involved with Cyber Security. I have been learning about how Cyber Security as a whole works and what it can and cannot stop. CTFs have been a new thing I have come across. CTFs or Capture the Flags are a series of cyber puzzles that come with multiple topics such as reverse engineering, web-site related CTFs, forensic CTFs, and much more.


Computer modifications came to be a hobby for me after I started to learn about the way you can modify gameplay just by changing the files and/or injecting certain commands into the game. This later got me interested in Cyber Security and programming. I was also introduced to 3d art a few years ago after I got tired of drawing and found out about 3d models. Ever since I have been making various types of art from mythical to Sci-Fi related themes.


My potential future:


I am currently trying to head in the direction of going into aviation in the Military either through a Military Academy such as West Point, or a collage out in California. Aviation has always been my dream ever since I was a young buck. I have always dreamed of flying rotary wing (helicopter aviation) and hope to make my dream a reality. Hockey is also a career I would like to take far into the future and potentially play for a national team. Working with Cyber Security will also be a path I will chase down as a job and hobby after the military. Hopefully I don’t stop pushing myself and continue to chase down these potential future realities.


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